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for piercings, jewelry sales, & jewelry changes:

Walk-in Hours

Wednesday: 12noon-8pm

Thursday: 12noon-8pm

Friday: 12noon-8pm

Saturday: 12noon-8pm

General Rules:


*Bring a valid ID

Minor Rules:

* We do NOT pierce anyone under 18 years old.


All prices include tax, jewelry, & aftercare.

Want more than one? We'll take $10 off each additional piercing!

Two Ear Lobes: $60

Cartilage: $60

Industrial: $75

Nostril: $60

Septum: $75

Bridge: $75

Lip: $60

Tongue: $75

Smiley: $60

Eyebrow: $60


Navel: $60

Two Nipples: $110

VCH: $100

Dermal: $100

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